API Reference

The following section outlines the API of spectrum.py.

Data Classes


Most of the objects have __slots__ defined. This allows the API to save space in RAM, but it makes it so that it is impossible to have dynamic attributes to the data classes. I am sorry. There is one object, Object, the does not have __slots__ defined. This is because it is made specifically so that dynamic attributes can be applied.

More information about __slots__ can be found in the official python documentation.


class spectrum.Object(id)

Represents a generic Spectrum object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two objects are equal.
x != y Checks if two objects are not equal.

This class is the base class of most objects, since most have an ID number.

id : int
The ID of the object


class spectrum.Message(**kwargs)

Represents a Spectrum message object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two messages are equal.
x != y Checks if two messages are not equal.
str(x) Returns the message’s content. TODO
id : int
The ID of the Message
time_created : datetime.datetime
The time that the message was created at
time_modified : datetime.datetime
The time that the message was modified. NOTE: May be the same as the time that it was created. This just means it has not been modified. Maybe changed in the future.
lobby : Lobby
The lobby that the message was sent in. I know the general plan of how to execute this, but since a lobby object isn’t sent with the message (which makes sense) I will have to pull it from the cache when the message is sent. I have it in my head of how it will work. # TODO
author : Member
The author of the message. While this is a Member object, it is called author because it make more sense in context.
content : Content
The content object in the message.
media_id : str
This is in the format of embed:<embed ID here>. It shows the embed ID if the message has an embed. Can be None if there are no embeds
highlight_role : int or NotImplemented
The role that the member used for that message. It may return an int if the role was not in the clients cache, or it may return a Role object if it was in the clients cache.
reactions : NotImplemented
The reactions to the message. TODO


class spectrum.Community(**kwargs)

Represents a Spectrum Community object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two communities are equal.
x != y Checks if two communities are not equal.
str(x) Returns the community’s name.
id : int
The ID of the community
type : str

The type of community. Can be one of the following: (to my knowledge)

  • Public
  • Private
slug : str
The shorthand abbreviation of the community
name : str
The name of the community
avatar : str
This is a URL for the avatar of the community
banner : str
This is a URL for the banner of the community
lobbies :
An iterator of Lobby objects that the community has.
roles : NotImplemented
A list of the Role that the community has. #TODO


class spectrum.Lobby(**kwargs)

Represents a Spectrum lobby object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two lobbies are equal.
x != y Checks if two lobbies are not equal.
str(x) Returns the lobbies name.
id : int
The ID of the lobby
name : str
The name of the lobby
description : str
The description of the lobby
color : str
The color of the lobby in hex (May make a color object in the future) #TODO
online_members_count : int
The number of members online
key : str
The API subscription key used to connect to the lobby (May make a key object in the future) #TODO
permissions : NotImplemented
Not sure if this is the special permission that the client has in this lobby, or something else. #TODO
community : Community
The ID of the community that this lobby is a part of


class spectrum.Member(**kwargs)

Represents a Spectrum Member Object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two members are equal.
x != y Checks if two members are not equal.
str(x) Returns the member’s name.
id : int
The ID of the Member
name : str
The name chosen to be displayed publicly everywhere by the member
handle : str
The unique identifying name that the member chose
avatar : str
URL to the member’s avatar
presence : Presence
The presence of the member.
roles : NotImplemented
The roles held by the member. TODO


class spectrum.Presence(**kwargs)

Represents a Spectrum Presence object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
str(x) Returns the presence’s status
status : str

Returns the status of the member. Can be one of the following:

  • away
  • online
  • do_not_disturb
  • invisible
info : str/None

Returns a string of what the member is doing. If the member is playing Star Citizen it can be one of two things:

  • “Playing Star Citizen” if they are currently in game
  • “In Menus” if they have the game open, but are in in game
since : datetime.datetime
Return a datetime object from when this member’s presence has changed


class spectrum.Content(**kwargs)

Represents a Spectrum content object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
str(x) Returns the content’s raw_content.
lines : int
The number of blocks that makes up the Content object
blocks : list
A list of Block objects that makes up the Content object. Each block represents a line in the message.
raw_content : str
The raw content string of the message. Every block (line) ends with a ‘ \n’ before the next block (line) starts.


class spectrum.Emoji(**kwargs)

Represents a Spectrum Emoji object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
str(x) Returns the emoji’s name.
mutability : str
Displays the mutability of the emoji. I do not know what this means in context, or when they are ever mutable. I have an open prize of 3 free original tapirs to anyone who can solve this.
emoji : str
Displays the name in the form :<name>: just taken from the raw JSON. I do not know if I will ever do able to code and decode from Unicode. There is a large block of Javascript in the Javascript that runs Spectrum that converts between str and an object, but I do not think I can convert between Unicode and str.
offset : int
The offset of where the emoji resides within the block.
length : int
The length of string that the emoji takes up from the offset in the raw block content.


class spectrum.Mention(member=None, **kwargs)

Represents a Spectrum mention object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
str(x) Returns the mention’s user_id, or the member’s name
mutability : str
Displays the mutability of the mention. I do not know what this means in context, or when they are ever mutable. I have an open prize of 3 free original tapirs to anyone who can solve this.
user_id : int
Displays the id of the user mentioned
member : Member or None
This attribute represents the member that the mention mentions if they are in the client’s cache. If not it defaults to None
offset : int
The offset of where the mention resides within the block.
length : int
The length of string that the mention takes up from the offset in the raw block content.


class spectrum.Style_range(style=None, offset=None, length=None)

Represents a Spectrum inlineStyleRange object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
str(x) Returns the style_range’s style.
style : str
The style that this style_range represents
offset : int
The offset of the style represented by the style_range from the beginning of the block
length : int
The length of the style represented by the style_range starting from the offset


class spectrum.Block(**kwargs)

Represents a Spectrum block object

Supported Operations:

Operation Description
x == y Checks if two blocks are equal.
x != y Checks if two blocks are not equal.
str(x) Returns the block’s text.

This object represents each individual line in a Spectrum message. For example if you press Shift+Enter to create a new line, this would be a new block in the message. Also each code block wrapper in ``` would be its own block.

id : str

The ID of the block.


Most of the ID attributes for objects in Spectrum are an int, but this ID is a str. I do not know why

text : str
The raw text that makes up the block
type : str

Represents the type of text in the whole block Can be one of the following:

  • unstyled
  • code-block
  • ???
depth : int
I do not know what this is. But it is here
style_ranges :
A list of Style_range that are in the block
entities :
A list of either Emoji, Mention, or Link that are in the block’s content.